Tool Required
Travel Destination Inquiry (Tool Required)
Development Level: Preschool/Prek
Learning Areas: Literacy, Art
Overview: Look through a book with images of destinations around the world and select a place that children want to learn more about. Look up information, print and cut out images, and show videos of these places to create a class mural of all the destinations!
- ECSEL Tool: Our Emotions Cards
- A book of your choice that showcases different countries around the world (for example: National Geographic Kids Beginner’s World Atlas, 4th Edition by National Kids)
- Printed images and/or magazines for the collages (these should depict various cultures and countries related to the book chosen)
- Chart paper, poster board, or large writing surface for collecting children’s ideas
- Marker for writing children’s ideas
- Large piece of butcher block paper for class mural
- Smaller pieces of butcher paper (roughly 10” by 10” pieces) for children’s collages- 1 per group
- Art materials (decided on by the class)
- Scissors
- Glue