Travel to a Foreign Country


Development Level: Preschool/Prek

Learning Areas: Dramatic Play

Overview: Pick a country, create passports, pack your suitcase, get on a plane, and take a pretend international trip! When you land, explore images, art, and/or music from that country.


  • Construction paper (cut into smaller sizes and stapled together to form booklets – 1 per child)
  • Printed images of items to pack for a trip (e.g., clothing, toiletries, etc.)
  • Paper bags to represent suitcases (1 per child)
  • Art materials
  • Collection of images, art, and/or music from various countries of your choice (these can be printed or projected)
  • World map (printed or projected)
  • Chart paper and marker (or other large surface to write on)
  • Stamp and ink pad
  • Video or audio of plane taking off 
  • Printed pretend plane tickets – 1 per child
  • Chairs (arranged in your classroom dramatic play center or open area to represent airplane seats)

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