Giving Back to Schools Around the World
Development Level: Preschool/PreK
Learning Areas: Technology, ECSEL
Overview: Explore images of schools around the world and discuss differences! Do all schools have the same resources and materials? Create a school supplies drive to send to a school in a different country.
- Slideshow of other schools (locally, nationally, and internationally)
- Slideshow of the focus school for the supply drive
- Butcher block paper/large writing surface
- Markers
- Art supplies of choice (markers, colored pencils, etc.)
- Decoration materials of choice (stickers, pom poms, etc.)
- Blank paper (enough for collages, and letters/drawings)
- Recycled cardboard boxes for supply donation (4-5, medium-large size)
- Recycled school magazines for collages
- Scissors
- Glue