Emotion Color Wheel

Learning Areas:

  • Art


What is this activity?

ECSEL Standards

What skills are being enhanced? What knowledge is gained?


What do you need to prepare for this activity?


Step by step guide

ECSEL Prompts

What questions can you ask to promote ECSEL thinking and discussions?

Extended Learning

How can you extend children’s thinking?


Colors can be frequently connected to our emotions – blue can represent sadness, while yellow can represent happiness. Let’s see what colors your students associate with different feelings with this fun Emotions Color Wheel!

ECSEL Standards & Learning Goals

What skills are being enhanced & what knowledge is being gained through this activity?

Emotional Identification

Children will begin to identify the emotions they feel when looking at different colors.

Emotional Understanding

Children will begin to understand their many emotions and what causes them in their environment.

Cause & Effect

Children will begin to understand which colors cause them to feel different emotions.

CASEL Standards



  • ECSEL tool: Our Emotions Cards
  • Color wheel or chart
    (big enough for the class to see)
  • Paper/poster to write responses


  1. Gather your children at circle time. Hold up or lay out the color wheel/chart so everyone can see, and ask each child what their favorite color is. Write their responses down on the paper.
  2. Then, using Our Emotions Cards next to the wheel/chart (as visual support if needed), ask what emotion/feeling their favorite color makes them feel. Record responses next to their favorite color on the paper.
    For younger children, emerging learners, or non-verbal students, you can have them point to their favorite color (with or without support), and the emotion card that matches how that color makes them feel.
  3. Then, tell your children we’re going to play a feelings game with all the different colors on the wheel/chart!
  4. Hold up the color wheel and when you point to a color, ask the children to describe the way it makes them feel (cozy, prickly, or labeling their emotions).
    For advanced children, extend their learning by asking “what about this color makes you feel that way?” to help with emotional understanding.

ECSEL Prompts

ECSEL Prompts are helpful questions & guiding statements you can use to provoke children’s thinking about emotions. These prompts are related to this specific activity.

How do you feel when you get to wear your favorite color? What about that color makes you feel special?

How does seeing the color blue make you feel? What about the color blue makes you feel that way? (Repeat this question with other colors.)

What else makes you feel happy? What else makes you feel sad?

Extended Learning

Use these questions & ideas to extend children’s learning!

What colors do we see in nature? What do those colors make us feel?

Read a picture book like The Color Monster by Anna Llenas to further illustrate the link between colors and emotions.

Toddler – Emotion Color Wheel


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